Behind the Masterpiece

Presented to President Donald Trump by Mark Russo

Mark Russo with President Donald Trump

The Presidential American Patriot Sculpture, a magnificent masterpiece designed and commissioned by Mark Russo in 2006, stands as a symbol of the values that make America great and inspires all who see it to continue to strive towards excellence in service to this great nation.

This remarkable work of art was gifted to the President of the United States, Donald Trump, by the Russo Family in recognition of his outstanding commitment and sacrifices for this great country.

Mark Russo with President Donald Trump

Presidential American Patriot Life Size Sculpture

45th President of the United States of America

The Creation

Artist, Creator, Mastermind

Artist, Creator, Mastermind

The collaborative process took three months to complete, with Mr. Russo working on the Constitution scroll and the renowned artist Lorenzo Ghiglieri sculpting the eagle. Lorenzo Ghiglieri, co-producer and craftsman of the original piece, demonstrated his remarkable craftsmanship and attention to detail in creating the awe-inspiring sculpture.

Artist Lorenzo Ghiglieri and Mark Russo working on the Original Presidential American Patriot

Let us take a moment to appreciate the incredible work of art, reflecting on the enduring legacy of American patriotism and leadership that the Presidential American Patriot Sculpture represents, which was brought to life through the talents of Lorenzo Ghiglieri and the visionary design of Mark Russo.

Awarding President Donald Trump

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the Presidential American Patriot Gold Edition

Contact Mark Russo

Phone Number:
Direct: (503) 705-0316
Office: (360) 954-5453
Email Address:

Mark Russo, Founder and Chairman of Treasure Investments Corporation dba Foundry Michelangelo
